1. What are the main technical characteristics of DSOonDemand ®?
    DSO is a WEB 2.0 software package, JEE integrable in your SOA, EAI, BPM architecture.
    DSO operates on Windows, Unix and with the main DBMS on the market.
  2. What hosting options do you provide: internal or external?
    DSO is available through an Extranet platform as an SaaS or an ASP hosted application.
    DSO is available on your intranet in licence mode or ASP.
  3. For external solutions, what type of SLA and level of availability to your provide?
    DSO is hosted on the principal industry professionals to guarantee sustained service and secured data even in case of system failure. In cases other than catastrophic damage to the system, service will be re-established in less than 24 hours. The systems are monitored 24/7 and a team is available during office hours. The levels 1 (infrastructure) and 2 (data flow management) are managed directly by us, level 3 (application) may require the implementation of a shared operating system.
  4. What methods are used to secure data and processing?
    DSO is hosted on several different servers with different activities; each server has its own DMZ.
    Communication server for exchanges, Authentication server, Web server, Application server and Data base server.
    All data is duplicated on back up machines.
  5. What are the methods for management securing exchanges?
    Data is exchanged via FTP or CFT.
    Flow is ciphered (SSL) and certificates demanded.
    Data can be compressed and ciphered (PGP, Security Box).
    A VPN and MPLS line can be set up.
  6. How is correspondence managed?
    Mass mailings by post, mail, fax or SMS are handled by external service providers; yours or ours. These elements are made available to you via our communication platform if you wish to handle them first hand.
  7. What methods are used to manage access rights?
    DSO defines the user profiles to limit access to services and data.
    These profiles are graded and can be customised via the web or through your LDAP.
    Via a password, the authentication server gives you access for a limited time: after this time your session expires.
  8. If we choose an internal solution, what material do we require?
    DSO has been deployed on several OS: WS2003, REDHAT. Porting onto other OS is possible at a low cost. Currently the minimal configuration (5 users) requires a server with RAID 0+1 disks and 4go of ram. Configuration depends on the number of simultaneous connections and the volume of data: it can require 2 servers and 8g of RAM.